Game Content

Resources Overview

The Data directory contains game resources such as textures, models, sounds, scripts, and so on. Directories inside Data have self-explanatory names for the kind of resource they contain.

Some of the assets are packed away inside DataPack.pak. You can read the files paths of the files inside it from DataPackTree.txt.

Textures are images used for rendering. The game supports image formats such as PNG, JPEG, TGA, GIF, DXT1/3/5, and more.

Materials define how geometry is rendered. Materials may use textures. Urho3D Material documentation.

Models define 3D geometry. Models use materials.

For more information about resources see Urho3D Resources documentation.

Scene Overview

The game uses a scene graph. The scene is made up of hierarchy of nodes, starting from the scene’s root node. Each node can have child nodes and compontents, and has transformation: position, rotation, and scale. Components are things like models, sound sources, physical bodies, and lights.

You can learn about the available components from Urho3D’s documentation. For example Rendering components.

For example, if you want to display a 3D model, you need to create a node and set its desired transformation, and create a StaticModel component with the model you want to display as a child of that node.

Nodes can be saved, including all their child nodes/components, as “Objects”. You can use the game editor to edit and create node objects.

For more information see Urho3D Scene model documnetation.

Importing Assets

Urho3D uses its own .mdl 3D model file format. You’ll need to convert models to Urho3D’s format to use them.

Urho3D’s AssetImporter

A command line tool that can import from many 3D file formats.

Urho3D Addon for Blender

Import models via Blender.

When exporting geometries, make sure that Position, Normal, UV, and Tangent options are checked.


The Levels directory contains the level files. The game will recursively search inside it for compiled level files (.clvl).

The level editor is used to edit and create levels. It can opened from the launcher or LevelEditor.exe located inside the Editor directory next to the Game directory (not the one inside it).

Special directories

Images inside Data\Textures\UI will automatically have mipmapping disabled.

Textures inside Data\Textures\Level will automatically have meterial generated for them using the material creator.