

  • You should know how to program, this is not a programming tutorial.
  • You should actively look at the game’s script code when learning to see concrete examples.

Hellbreaker’s scripting uses the AngelScript scripting language, and is built on top of Urho3D’s API. AngelScript is a statically typed and compiled language, similar to C++/C#.

You can learn more about AngelScript from AngelScript’s language documentation.

Urho3D’s scripting API:

Script files are automatically reloaded when they change. It helps make development faster by removing the need to restart a level.

Automatic Inclusion

The game will automatically scan Data/Scripts/ non-recursively for .as files, and will generate Data/, which #includes all of them.

A guideline for organizing you scripts is to place all of your scripts in a directory inside /Data/Scripts/, and put a single script file in /Data/Scripts/ to include your scripts. You should use the same name for your include file and the directory, to minimize the chance for name collisions. For example:


Script Functions

The game’s script file is Data/Scripts/, and it’s loaded when the game starts.

There are special script functions the game will automatically look for in all namespaces and execute:

  • void game_start_once() is called when the game loads the script for the first time, before game_start.
  • void game_start() is called when the game loads the script for the first time, and after a reload.
  • void game_stop() is called when the game shuts down.
  • void level_start() is called when a level starts, and after script reload.
  • void level_stop() is called when a level stops, and before script reload.
  • void level_start_once() is called when a level starts, before level_start.
  • void level_stop_once() is called when a level stops, after level_stop.

An organization guideline is to use the same name for your namespace as you use for your scripts directory, to minimize the chance for name collisions.

The Player

The Player class inherits from Destructible, which inherits from Damageable.

Damageable is used for things that can take damage.

Destructible is used for things that also have health and can die.

You can get the player’s inventory via Player::inventory(). The inventory is a map from item names to item amounts. The game uses it for items like weapon ammo and door keys, and it can be used for other things too. It has the following functions:

  • uint[] item access an item by its name
  • void add_item(const String& item_type, const int amount) to add to the amount of an item

Player also have WeaponSlots member, which contains the player’s weapons. There are 0 to 9 available slots, and weapons that occupy the same slot are ordered by their position value.

Script Modules

Each script file used by ScriptInstance is a separate script module. Modules dont share code, except things that are declared shared, in which case it should only be defined once (don’t include it several times).

Any script that interacts with things from the main module should be part of it. Only if script are completely indepenent of the main module they can be used in a separate script module.

Editing script files

Atom is an open source text editor that has AngelScript syntax highlighting package.